I was the second person up this morning after a little bit of a restless night. It ended up pretty chilly overnight which usually means a couple of loo visits. This is not the easiest maneuver in/out of the back of the truck especially half asleep and in the dark. Now that I have a little folding step, it is a little easier for all concerned. not as many flies here this time compared to our last visit. Heavy dew this morning so none of the camping equipment really got a chance to dry out after the sprinkler incident. The back of the car smells dreadful when everything is damp.
Theo was first up today and he had started the water boiling process that goes on religiously every morning. Up till this leg we had Robbo and Peter doing this job and this leg Joan has volunteered to do it but she isn't coping very well with the cold weather and the mornings are getting very cold.
Lunch was at the Overland Roadhouse and we had a little bit of drizzle before heading down the road to the world heritage park at Hamelin Pool. The winds had been favourable up to the turnoff and then they changed to be across them. The road surface had improved a little but there was alot of traffic which was mainly going in the opposite direction- it looked a little like a mass exodus at times. Denham has a big weekend planned and it looks like alot of people are avoiding it as a destination. It has a speedway comp on apparently. Look out here come the bikies!!
The Hamelin Station is a really pleasant surprise for all of us. We are still camping on shell grit (which makes me feel a bit like a budgie) but everything is top quality with the best equiped camp kitchen, dining areas, clean toilets and showers and very friendly service.I was able to cook up a storm in the kitchen with some assistance from Chris (the chopper) and Annie (the stirrer). Tonight we were having chicken and pumpkin spaghetti and another vegetarian dish of pumpkin and lentil spaghetti followed by chocolate cake and custard.
Dinner was successful with very little left over and everyone full to the brim. A few of us decided to play Squatter (a game we found on a shelf) but this only lasted about 10 minutes as you really had to be a sheep farmer to understand the rules for this one. So we decided to play cards and I suggested a quick game of switch. Taught everyone the rules and away we went. Georg, Woody, Ben and I all won a game each and then I won the decider. YES!!
HA Ha! The stars and the sunset were both spectacular tonight with Ben getting a superb photo over the stromatolites, I hope he will let me post one of them in the blog.
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